Commercial Growers

Available in multiple pot sizes and materials. Introducing biodegradable polymers in 2025 on select sizes and designs.

Trials were successful.  Willoway Nurseries and AVK used existing pots and included the root warrior inserts exceeding expectations and we out performed regular pots.

Our Patent Pending value-added benefits make it affordable for the grower.  

 Value-Added Benefits

Trials were conducted including Agymer Technology on several crops during the 2023 growing season at two large-scale commercial growers in North America -  Willoway Nurseries Ohio and AVK Ontario, Canada.

Container Gardens - Transform Your Space with Plant Warrior

Proven compelling value-added benefits including but not limited to:

  • rapid rooting, air-pruning and advanced root development
  • reduced production time
  • excellent water and oxygen control
  • higher yield
  • accelerated speed to market
  • Compatibility with stand-alone containers and performs in grow bags. 
  • Trial plants in-ground continued to outperform the control. 
  • Technology offers several advantages over plain pots and containers.
  • Value added-benefits far exceed expectations from Nursery to Retail Floors.
Licensing and Wholesale Pricing
Please Contact:

Taunya Miller